Archive for January, 2006


CableCARD certification rules out home-built Windows MCE boxes,

Talk about raining on my parade. I have been waiting to build a MCE PC until they supported multiple HD tuners and CableCARD. Given that I was going to rebuild a current box to support this functionality I am a little irked that CableLabs is being so anal about this stupid certification process they are […]


AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre is a moron

Ars Technica is carrying an article today (AT&T chief says that people are only paying for half the Internet) that has yet another moronic quote from the telecom giant that just merged with SBC. I think the content providers should be paying for the use of the network—obviously not the piece from the customer to […]


IP Spotting

A neat little app I caught from Slashdot. My IP scored a meager 8 points.


Windows on a Mac

The race is on to see who can be the first one to boot Windows on the new Intel based iMac. A decent cash prize ($3338 as of 9:18am CST) has been collected for the would be winner of the race. More details are available on the official site.



Someone brought this tool to my attention today and I wanted to share it with everyone since I thought it was neat looking. It is called WinDirStat and it is basically a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Microsoft Windows. Very nice.


Gallup Strengths

Prior to coming to work here at Rackspace I had to take a StrengthsFinder test online. I didn’t really understand it so I kind of wrote it off. Having completed my 2nd week at Rackspace I can now say it has already started to change my life. The test identifies natural talents that we all […]


Spurs vs Pistons

For the 2nd time this year we got whipped by the Pistons by a 15 point margin. There is no doubt in my mind that the Spurs will take the West with ease. I am however not so sure that we can take the Pistons again in the Finals. There is something about them this […]


New cases for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray?

That’s right. To make then stand out on store shelves each of the sides in the next gen HD format war have come up with special cases to “stand out”. HD-DVD is going with an interesting red case that has some enthusiasts worried about being able to stack them due to a partial lip at […]


Optimus Keyboard

The Optimus Keyboard was one of the hot items late last year among geeks. The keyboard is set to feature OLED keys to allow you to fully customize the keyboard for any user or application. At that time the device was still a prototype and not on the market. At this point there is much […]


TiVo Series 3 HD-DVR

While a lot of cable companies offer DVR solutions for their customers, there is not currently a good solution out there to cover both SD and HD content. Ars posted a story today that TiVo announced a series 3 HD-DVR coming out later this year that is LOADED with new features. It has 6 total […]

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