Archive for April, 2006


GameLife Show Episode 3

I really hate to knock other gamer’s efforts at producing media, because at least they are giving it a go. With that being said, sometimes people need their cameras and mics stolen and destroyed. I am referring to the following video which I hesitate to link to since I don’t really want anyone else to […]


2009 Chevy Camaro

I just have one thing to say and that is AWESOME! Pics and specs here.


Vonage Cancelled

You can read about the issues that I have with Vonage here. After waiting to ensure I wasn’t going to get charged a ton for cancelling on my stupid anniversary date I cancelled my account. Melissa, the lady that took my call was very nice and processed it quickly. The only downside is that it […]


eBay Express

I have often thought that the eBay site suffered from horrible layout and was a nuisance to work with. It seems that I was not the only one. They have a preview of the new eBay Express up and online. Source: The Inquirer


1st Round Playoffs

So last night was game 1 of the Spurs/Kings series. For as much talk as Ron Artest runs, he sure didn’t show up last night. I missed most of the game, but from what I hear the Northern Sacramento HS players probably would have done better than the Kings did. Spurs 1Kings 0 My prediction? […]


Google Calendar Beta

Google launched the beta of their web based Calendar software today. So far, I am quite impressed for a free web based program. Good job Google. Source: Ars


No Aero Glass for dirty pirates

With the release of Vista, Microsoft is pulling out a new tool from its antipiracy toolbox. Aero, the new whiz-bang UI for Vista, will only be available to registered users of Windows. That’s right–no matter how fast your CPU and graphics card are, if Microsoft determines you are running a pirated version of Vista then […]


Firefox Bookmarklets

I recently looked into the wonderful world of Bookmarklets for Firefox. Basically they are bookmarks with javascript functionality. Since I make use of the same sites over and over I figured making a few bookmarklets would be a smart idea. Here are a few of mine: Microsoft KB Article EB Product ID EB Games Product […]


Hooray for Home Depot (Bandera and 1604)

Finding good customer service is becoming a rarity. I work for a company that was founded on the idea of Fanatical customer service and support so it is increasingly frustrating dealing with people that could care less about providing a satisfying customer experience. That being said I feel inclined to let everyone know when I […]


How to Stop the Dreaded FireFox Memory Leak

Having looked into this issue and done far too much reading on it, there is finally a real workaround that trims down your memory usage. How To Stop The FireFox Memory Leak1. Open Firefox and go to the Address Bar. Type in about:config and then press Enter.2. Right Click in the page and select […]

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