Archive for 2006


eDonkey Settlement

So eDonkey, or the parent company thereof, has agreed to pay $30M to the RIAA to avoid prosecution for copyright infringment. It seems to me that the recording industry has been quietly developing an additional revenue stream that probably dwarfs music sales by just suing the crap out of everyone. I wonder how long that […]


Amazon Unbox: Prepare to be let down?

Amazon launched their video store, Amazon Unbox, late yesterday. The intials reviews of the system are not quite so nice. Unbox had a few things working against it before the launch. As you may be aware Apple is ready to launch their own movie download service and the main difference between the 2 services boils […]


Oh blessed rain

After a nasty spell of heat during August, 19 days in triple digits, and no rain we finally got some of that wet stuff from the sky. I think we got about an inch today so far. Talk about a relief, I think it is hovering right around 70 outside right now. Talk about a […]


Intel to lay off Thousands

In a move to try and increase profits against AMD, Intel announced today that they are slashing an estimated 10% of their workforce. For a company with 100,000 employees, that means roughly 10,000 people will be unemployed. That is not good news for those people and ultimately won’t translate into better pricing for the consumer. […]


Resetting broadband routers back to factory settings

I was looking for instructions on resetting a very old broadband router this morning and stumbled upon a nice resource put out by Sony for EQ2 players on resetting tons of different routers back to default specs. You can find the page here.


Dell Laptop Battery Recall

The big news recently is the Sony batteries that have been recalled by Dell and Apple, but up until today I hadn’t actually seen pictures of the event that spurred the recalls. The Inq is carrying the story with the pictures. Talk about scary. The Inq


Strange SQL Error

I setup a DTS package in SQL 2000 yesterday to make a mirror of the live database for an app that I maintain. The goal was to have an exact copy of the live data for the dev environment so I can start coding a new release. I set the DTS package to run every […]


No HD in 32 bit Vista

Just another case of the content industries making others play by their rules. MS has agreed to prevent playback of next gen HD content on the 32 bit versions of Vista citing concerns that the unsigned malware that runs in kernel mode can get around copy protection. I have a news flash for everyone, the […]


Netflix a Monopoly?

Give me a break. The fact that Blockbuster, a company not known for being nice to the competition, is suing someone in an AntiTrust suit is just laughable. So this is what happens when someone gets knocked off their high horse by a company without a strong physical presence. Source: Ars


Would you pay $999 for shoes?

I am all about the shoes. I love shoes. I especially love a slick pair of Adidas. I am also frugal. So while browsing around online I run across these. I am stunned. Someone tell me why those superstars are worth $1k and what boneheads bought them all up so they are sold out.

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