Archive for January, 2008

Kids, Life in General

Adventures in Construction Part 1

I don’t typically consider myself a spontaneous person. I tend to lean more towards the end of the spectrum that relies on careful planning over the last second get up and go. I went against that this past Saturday when I decided on a whim that we needed a new swingset for the backyard. The […]

PHP, phpBB, Programming

Prosilver: Online/Offline Text Tag

If you don’t like the idea of an angled online image like the one that is default in the Prosilver theme of phpBB3, you can move to an Online/Offline text tag instead. 1. Go to your ACP 2. Click on the Styles Tab 3. Under Style Components click Templates 4. Click edit next to Prosilver […]

PHP, phpBB, Programming

Adding Post Titles To Your Forum List in phpBB3

6 weeks after it’s release, I finally found the time to upgrade the forum over at Snackbar Games to phpBB 3. My hand was kind of forced due to some massive load that was generated on our phpBB2.x install and to appease the webhosting company, I told them I was going to upgrade to a […]

Entertainment, Gaming, Swag

Swag Attack: Endless Ocean & Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

Endless Ocean and the new Advance Wars: Days of Ruin are both dropping on Monday for the Wii and DS respectively, but I got my copy of both games today. As I try to do, I am posting pictures of the “swag” that accompanied them even though it is less swag and more nifty promotional […]

PHP, Programming

Programmers: Experience vs Talent

Nick Halstead recently asked himself the question: Is experience better than talent? It’s a perfectly valid question and probably one that more hiring managers should ponder before kicking off a recruitment run. Nick’s conclusion was really less of a conclusion and more of an affirmation that it’s too hard to give a simple answer to […]

Kids, Life in General

Pacifiers Are Stupid

I realize that for babies there is something inherently soothing about sucking on that little overpriced piece of silicone and plastic, but god I hate the things. When you don’t need the thing it is always under foot and getting stepped on, but when you need one they are nowhere to be found. Like in […]

Life in General, Scams

Beware of Global Escapes (

I don’t often go out of my way to tarnish the reputation of anyone. It’s just not something I generally have time to mess with. Global Escapes is an exception. I’ve actually been meaning to make this post for a few weeks now, but just haven’t had the time to sit down and write it […]

Internet, Life in General

Gizmodo – The Difference Between Bloggers and Journalists defines a journalist as “a writer for newspapers and magazines”. After Gizmodo’s recent actions at CES where they openly admit to using a device called TV-B-Gone, it’s no surprise that the definition doesn’t include websites. This is not to say that there isn’t some high quality work being done by online journalists, just that […]

Reviews, Tech

Product Review: Toshiba HD-A2

Back in November, Wal-Mart was running a few pre Black Friday holiday sales that included an awesome deal on the Toshiba HD-A2 HD-DVD player. As a supporter of HD-DVD, and now both formats, I was lured in based on the $98 price tag. Given that the player had been going for well over $200 just […]

Gaming, Internet

Conflict of Interest: Video Game Aggregate Sites

Sites like GameRankings, MetaCritic, and GameStats are what the lazy people of the internet use to gauge a game’s overall quality. The theory behind this is that on average, a large sampling of reviews will give you a proper perspective of the game. I would tend to agree. Being a Statistics geek, the previous statement […]

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