Happy Birthday Ethan
Today my son turns 4. I can’t even begin to express what a roller coaster ride the last 4 years have been, but to see the person he is growing up to be is truly amazing. It’s hard sometimes to remember that he is only 4 years old. His vocabulary and mannerisms are that of someone much older, say 16.
As a dad, it’s sometimes hard to show your kids how much they mean to you. In between all the griping and protecting them from themselves it sometimes gets lost in translation. In case I don’t say it enough, I love you kiddo. Have a great birthday.
31 Mar 2008 01:49 pm Chris 2 comments
Hey there, no he plays for acyso which is who jay grew up playing for, he loves it!! But this team is very unaggresive and none of them have ever played before so it is trully fun to watch….so next year i think we are gonna put him on a more focused team, one where the kids dont see a butterfly and go after it!! thats soooo cute that ethan will be playing, how fun!!! youll have to send us pics!!
I figure if Ethan really likes doing the soccer thing that I’ll move him to ACYSO when he gets a little older.