A Shout Out To All The Single Parents
My mother in law owns a local flower shop and during rush times my wife goes up to help with all the orders. Often times this results in her working about 40 hours over the course of 3-4 days. During these times, I get to wrangle the kids and boy does it get tough.
So here is my chance to give a shout out to all the parents that do this each and every day. I don’t think that most people realize just how tough it is. You guys really deserve a pat on the back for keeping it together.
21 May 2008 10:50 am Chris 3 comments
YEAH UM you need to re write your title to “Shout out to all STAY AT HOME MOMS”, cause im pretty sure that bills dont pay them selves, and single parents have a lil thing called away from home AND kid jobs, we STAY AT HOME MOMS are the ones who deserve the shout out!!! K????
im done, carry on
oh and let me be clear…..single parents ROCK!!!!
just making sure yall knew that
How about a shout out to all of us who have managed to remain kidless. Think of all the resources society has saved through our action or inaction. While greedy parents just keep taking more and more cause they want kids.