I’ve really been slacking off on the whole blogging thing. You see, we went on vacation a few weeks back and I think I am still trying to catch up and recover from it.

When my oldest was a baby, we tried to fly out to San Diego to stay with my relatives that had rented a condo out there. Long story short, we got stranded in Denver with no baby food, diapers, and no car seat. Thanks United! From that point forward we were committed to driving ourselves to our vacation destinations of choice. This is relatively easy if you are travelling to the coast or somewhere near by. We weren’t and we haven’t. Since then we have driven to the East Coast once and the West Coast 2 or 3 times. I forget.

After last year’s trip I decided I was done with the driving thing. I just couldn’t stand 2 days of traveling each way. So this year we decided to head out West again for our first of 2 trips to the great state of California.

This trip was kind of impromptu and then blossomed into a full blown vacation. Whatever, it was a lot of fun.

One important distinction about this trip was that it was Ethan’s first real plane trip. He was far too young to recall the first one. He kind of freaked out about the whole thing all the way up until we got to the airport. My mom somehow managed to convince the gate attendant to let him go sit in the cockpit and meet the pilot. That went a long way towards making the trip start off easily.

We were staying in a condo on the boardwalk down in Mission Beach for the week. We had rented it with my mom and brother. My aunts, cousins, and grandparents also occupied 3 other condos right in that area. You could say that it was a big family reunion and that would be pretty accurate.

With the kids being 4 and 1, I was pretty excited to see how they were going to react to the activities we had planned for the week. The first few days were beach days and it was hilarious to see them run around on the beach. They truly had a blast. It helped that all of my cousins love them to death. I’m the oldest of like 12 or 13 cousins with the youngest of the bunch being 16.

Last year while we were out there we headed to the San Diego Zoo and it was a blast so we made sure to go again this year. I really wish the San Antonio Zoo was 1/2 as big and half as entertaining as that. I mean, I like our Zoo and all that, but it’s really in a world of it’s own.

One of the new things that we made time for this year was Legoland. I went about 10 years ago right after I got out of high school and I loved it. They’ve made a few additions in the last 10 years.

I was really worried that Ethan wouldn’t enjoy himself or appreciate the scope of what it takes to build a 15′ tall skyscraper out of real LEGO blocks. He did and he is still asking to go back. I think when we head back to SoCal this fall that we are going to make the trip down to Carlsbad for a day.

The trip back to San Antonio was pretty easy and I am seriously glad we did the air travel thing instead of driving.

I usually get pretty stressed out on vacation for some reason. I am not a strict timetable type of person, but I just tend to get up tight. This trip I really got to enjoy and didn’t feel up tight about anything. Maybe I wasn’t as worried about the kids since they are a little bit older.