Archive for 2008

Kids, Life in General

It’s Bugaboo Time

Strollers are not a very “manly” thing to be excited about and so it is with a heavy heart that I have to admit that I am currently geeking out over one of our most recent purchases, a Bugaboo Bee. My wife and I have 2 children, and over the course of their lives we […]

Life in General

I Just Had Some Sushi

I’ve never had sushi before. Not until about 2 hours ago that is. My manager has been taking us to lunch as a team every week and this week’s venue was Syn over at Vance Jackson and Huebner. I’ve never tried sushi before today and I am still not sure what to think about it. […]

Life in General, Professional Development

Do You Love Your Job?

I’m not sure what the stats are for the current American workforce in terms of workplace happiness, but I am sure they are not very high. Corporate America seems to be running rampant with unhappy and disgruntled employees. I am happy to say I am not one of these people. I love my job. I […]



Seriously Kobe. Are you blind enough to actually believe that Fisher didn’t foul Barry on that last shot? Even the Zen Master admitted that Fisher bumped him.

Life in General

A Shout Out To All The Single Parents

My mother in law owns a local flower shop and during rush times my wife goes up to help with all the orders. Often times this results in her working about 40 hours over the course of 3-4 days. During these times, I get to wrangle the kids and boy does it get tough. So […]

Kids, Life in General

An Experiment Gone Wrong

Having kids is a daily challenge. Most things you can get through by counting to 10 and taking a few deep breaths. On occasion, something happens that is a little more difficult to get through. Rewind to yesterday. My 4 yr old son decided to conduct a science experiment. I haven’t concluded if this was […]


Bring On The Lakers

I really scaled back all my sports posts because I realized that I don’t really have anything interesting or unique to stay on the topic and I really come off as a blatant Spurs homer, which I am. I did want to take a moment to give the Spurs a shout out for showing up […]


Goodbye Vista

I’ve been a staunch supporter of Windows Vista since well before release. I’ve used it for well over a year and defended it’s use for a long time before arriving at this conclusion. That changes today. As Microsoft would say, my support has gone EOL. For you non-techs out there, EOL stands for End of […]

Life in General

Strive to Compete

If you walked up to me and asked me if I was competitive I would probably say no without even thinking about it. After all, I don’t consider myself to be a competitive person. I’ve been one of those people that honestly believed it was more about the effort than the outcome. At 27 years […]

Professional Development

Never Stop Moving Forward

I’ve been working in my field for a very long time now, roughly 10 years to be exact. In those 10 years I’ve managed to keep learning new things year after year. Sometimes these new skills were learned with specific purposes or through on the job encounters. On the other hand, I’ve also had jobs […]

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