Archive for the 'Design' Category

Design, Internet

The $300 Million Button

I made a post the other day talking about user interface and I wanted to share the post that really inspired me and changed my whole viewpoint on interface design. It is called The $300 Million Button.

Design, Internet

What is more important, design or UI?

There are really quite a few steps that go into a well designed site beginning with the functional design of the site, the visual style and appearance of the site, and then the underlying code that pulls it all together. I’m very good at the last piece of the puzzle, but I have never taken […]

CSS, Design

To Reset Or Not

There is an ongoing debate about the use of CSS Reset stylesheets in web development. (See here, then here, then here) If you aren’t familiar with the concept, the idea is that a CSS Reset attempts to equalize the differences between default browser styles. At first glance this is a great idea right? Who wouldn’t […]

CSS, Design

Using a CSS Grid System For Layouts

If you’ve ever attempted to build a truly clean, cross browser compliant, css based layout then you know that it can take quite a bit of work for everything to come together. One of the tricky parts is getting your horizontal alignment setup. CSS Framework is almost an oxymoron in that most websites rarely share […]