Archive for the 'Javascript' Category

CSS, Javascript

Horizontal Subnav with CSS and jQuery

Navigation and sub navigation is something that almost all sites have and very few actually implement in a user friendly way. I’ve struggled with the best way to do this in the past and even hacked the jQuery UI Tabs implementation to achieve what I needed. Last week I was browsing some of the feeds […]

Internet, Javascript, Programming

Preserving form data on the fly – Part 1

I recently had the opportunity to interview a celebrity about an upcoming video game that he is involved with. There was a little bit of a challenge to conducting this particular interview because it had to be conducted through Twitter. Twitter isn’t a great avenue for interviews since I didn’t want everyone to see the […]

Javascript, PHP

jQuery Superfish Menu and Jeditable in IE7

Since I’m carrying on a love affair with jQuery right now, I’m moving most of my customers to jQuery based plugins to simplify the JS code that I am currently using on their sites. One customer happens to make extensive use of the jQuery Jeditable plugin for dynamic/ajax based content updates. One issue I ran […]

Javascript, PHP, Programming

Validating reCaptcha with jQuery and AJAX

This example is well out of date. Please don’t use it as is until I have a chance to update it. I recently did some work for one of my clients that involved securing some simple web forms. These forms were to request literature or request a call back, simple stuff. Incidentally they were getting […]

Javascript, Programming

How To Identify a Javascript Keycode

I recently made some modifications to a client’s website that involved using key presses to trigger certain events. I had the numeric keycode for a few of the keys that were already in use, but I didn’t really have a good way of identifying the keyCode for the additional key events I wanted to make […]

Javascript, Programming

Sniff Your Users Version of Flash with Javascript

I ran across this on a website I hit this morning and found it to be quite useful. So I am reposting it here in case anyone else is trying to do this. In a nutshell, this bit of javascript will return a decimal value of the highest version of the Flash Player installed on […]