Archive for the 'Life in General' Category

Life in General

Strive to Compete

If you walked up to me and asked me if I was competitive I would probably say no without even thinking about it. After all, I don’t consider myself to be a competitive person. I’ve been one of those people that honestly believed it was more about the effort than the outcome. At 27 years […]

Life in General


I better slow down with all these blog posts or someone is going to think that it’s all I do. I’ll stick to the story that many of them are future dated and show up when I want them to. At any rate, I was just checking out my old profile on blogger and I […]

Life in General

Why Aren’t Bidets More Popular

I frequent Heather Armstrong’s blog, Dooce, and on Monday she linked to this strange commercial for a bidet. The expressions on these people’s faces made me wonder, why aren’t bidets more popular here in the states? I mean, these people are obviously really enjoying that little splash of water. So much so that they are […]

Life in General

Headed Back To Rackspace

I mentioned last week that I had a job offer on the table and I wanted to state that it was official now. I have accepted an offer to work as a Level 3 Windows Engineer for Rackspace. This should be a great move and really revitalize me professionally as working in a small business […]

Kids, Life in General

An Eventful Weekend

When you have kids, most weekends tend to be eventful. This past weekend was a little more eventful than most. Friday night was by and large a normal day. We spent some time cleaning up the house and sitting around. Saturday morning showed up far too early and we had a soccer game at 11 […]

Life in General

Amazon Shipping Is Ok

After trashing on Amazon, I found out that maybe their shipping estimates just suck. My USPS delivered package that was slated for delivery on Monday actually showed up yesterday. Now I just have to wait for the DHL guy to come. Fingers crossed that the estimate of Tuesday is off and my PSP shows up […]

Life in General

Amazon Shipping Is a Joke

Amazon’s big thing is promoting their free shipping. I mean, why not right? It makes it look like they are giving you something for free. If you’ve ever used it though it feels like they literally wait until nobody is doing anything else and then they finally decide to pack and ship your order. So […]

Gaming, Kids, Life in General

I Now Own a PSP

Well, I will as soon as UPS delivers it later this week. I’ve finally made the jump and picked up one of the ceramic white PSP units complete with Darth Vader’s awesome mug on the back. With this purchase, I have solidified myself firmly in the video game world as a complete and total nerd. […]

Kids, Life in General

Kids + Aluminum Cans = Bad News

I think this is payment for the way I acted as a child, but no matter how many times I tell my son something he doesn’t listen. Take for instance, sticking your finger inside an aluminum soda can. I can’t count the number of times I’ve told him that the edges were sharp and it […]

Life in General

I Love Tax Time

I know what you are thinking. “How can anyone possibly love tax time?” Right? I don’t always love tax time, just this year. It seems that for most people, despite their best effort to get their taxes properly paid that they end up screwing something up and owing the IRS at least a little bit […]

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