Archive for the 'PHP' Category

PHP, Programming

A Pair of Handy Functions – IP to Hex Conversion

If you’ve done any custom IP work in the phpBB world, then you know that phpBB stores IP addresses in a hex format. This is simple, but you’ll definitely need to convert back to plain IP format (in octets) if you want to display that information. I am sure phpBB probably has some functions for […]

Database, PHP, Programming

Is Database Abstraction Really Worth The Hassle?

I’ve been building web apps for a long time now, I guess about 5 years. In the early days, database abstraction didn’t “exist”. Everyone just used the functions provided in the standard PHP library such as mysql_connect, mysql_query, etc. At some point, we as developers decided this wasn’t good enough. We needed an easier and […]

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