Archive for the 'Programming' Category

PHP, Programming

A working recursive directory remove function for PHP

I’ve got a client that really wanted to have functionality built into his site that would duplicate a directory and all the files. No big deal except that all the files end up owned by nobody and with the permissions set to 644, which means I can’t delete them via FTP when something goes wrong […]

Internet, Javascript, Programming

Preserving form data on the fly – Part 1

I recently had the opportunity to interview a celebrity about an upcoming video game that he is involved with. There was a little bit of a challenge to conducting this particular interview because it had to be conducted through Twitter. Twitter isn’t a great avenue for interviews since I didn’t want everyone to see the […]

Javascript, PHP, Programming

Validating reCaptcha with jQuery and AJAX

This example is well out of date. Please don’t use it as is until I have a chance to update it. I recently did some work for one of my clients that involved securing some simple web forms. These forms were to request literature or request a call back, simple stuff. Incidentally they were getting […]

Professional Development, Programming

On Becoming a Better Programmer

Nick Halstead runs a programming blog and is one of my favorite reads. His insight is very good and he has a lot of experience. His post today was about becoming a better programmer and was a very good read. I totally agree with what he was saying, but I had something to add. I […]

Javascript, Programming

How To Identify a Javascript Keycode

I recently made some modifications to a client’s website that involved using key presses to trigger certain events. I had the numeric keycode for a few of the keys that were already in use, but I didn’t really have a good way of identifying the keyCode for the additional key events I wanted to make […]

Internet, Programming

WordPress 2.5 Rocks

I just blindly upgraded this site to WordPress 2.5 and wow. I figured it would be a minor upgrade, but there is a completely revamped dashboard and admin backend to this thing that is stellar. Great job guys, I am really loving the changes.

Programming, Python, Ruby on Rails

Diving Into Python & Ruby

I’ve got a job application in with a company I used to work for as a developer and the primary technologies we’ll be using are Python and Ruby on Rails. I’ve got a bit of experience with both, but nothing recent. With that said, I’ve really been taking a closer look at what those languages […]

PHP, phpBB, Programming

Prosilver: Online/Offline Text Tag

If you don’t like the idea of an angled online image like the one that is default in the Prosilver theme of phpBB3, you can move to an Online/Offline text tag instead. 1. Go to your ACP 2. Click on the Styles Tab 3. Under Style Components click Templates 4. Click edit next to Prosilver […]

PHP, phpBB, Programming

Adding Post Titles To Your Forum List in phpBB3

6 weeks after it’s release, I finally found the time to upgrade the forum over at Snackbar Games to phpBB 3. My hand was kind of forced due to some massive load that was generated on our phpBB2.x install and to appease the webhosting company, I told them I was going to upgrade to a […]

PHP, Programming

Programmers: Experience vs Talent

Nick Halstead recently asked himself the question: Is experience better than talent? It’s a perfectly valid question and probably one that more hiring managers should ponder before kicking off a recruitment run. Nick’s conclusion was really less of a conclusion and more of an affirmation that it’s too hard to give a simple answer to […]

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