I develop a lot of internal applications at work that run via the web for simplicity. I’ve found that using an SSO or Single Sign-On is the only way to go. Having that SSO be a users’ Windows password is perfect solution. I set out to use LDAP lookups via PHP and found a sweet class called adLDAP on After working with the class for a bit, it became obvious it was in need of some minor modifications. Here is my improved version of this class:
/* LDAP FUNCTIONS FOR MANIPULATING ACTIVE DIRECTORY Version 1.4 Maintained by Scott Barnett email: Works with both PHP 4 and PHP 5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ******************************************************************** Something to keep in mind is that Active Directory is a permissions based directory. If you bind as a domain user, you can't fetch as much information on other users as you could as a domain admin. ******************************************************************** FUNCTIONS: authenticate($username,$password) Authenticate to the directory with a specific username and password user_info($user,$fields=NULL) Returns an array of information for a specific user user_groups($user) Returns an array of groups that a user is a member off user_ingroup($user,$group) Returns true if the user is a member of the group group_info($group) Returns an array of information for a specific group all_users($include_desc = false, $search = "*", $sorted = true) Returns all AD users (expensive on resources) all_groups($include_desc = false, $search = "*", $sorted = true) Returns all AD groups (expensive on resources) group_hasuser($user, $group) Returns true if the user is a member of the group group_members($group) Returns an array of users that a group has */ // Different type of accounts in AD define ('ADLDAP_NORMAL_ACCOUNT', 805306368); define ('ADLDAP_WORKSTATION_TRUST', 805306369); define ('ADLDAP_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST', 805306370); define ('ADLDAP_SECURITY_GLOBAL_GROUP', 268435456); define ('ADLDAP_DISTRIBUTION_GROUP', 268435457); define ('ADLDAP_SECURITY_LOCAL_GROUP', 536870912); define ('ADLDAP_DISTRIBUTION_LOCAL_GROUP', 536870913); class adLDAP { // BEFORE YOU ASK A QUESTION, PLEASE READ THE FAQ // // These vars will be set in your inital call to create a new adLDAP var $_account_suffix; var $_base_dn; var $_domain_controllers; // An array of domain controllers. Specify multiple controllers if you would like the class to balance the LDAP queries amongst multiple servers // Examples: // $_account_suffix="@yourdomain.local"; // $_base_dn = "DC=yourdomain,DC=local"; // $_domain_controllers = array ("dc.mydomain.local", "dc2.mydomain.local"); // optional account for searching var $_ad_username=NULL; var $_ad_password=NULL; // AD does not return the primary group. // This tweak will resolve the real primary group, but may be resource intensive. // Setting to false will fudge "Domain Users" and is much faster. var $_real_primarygroup=true; //other variables var $_user_dn; var $_user_pass; var $_conn; var $_bind; // default constructor function adLDAP($_account_suffix, $_base_dn, $_domain_controllers){ // Set Config Vars $this->_account_suffix = $_account_suffix; $this->_base_dn = $_base_dn; $this->_domain_controllers = $_domain_controllers; //connect to the LDAP server as the username/password $this->_conn = ldap_connect($this->random_controller()); ldap_set_option($this->_conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($this->_conn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); //disable plain text passwords ldap_set_option($this->_conn, LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 7); return true; } // default destructor function __destruct(){ ldap_close ($this->_conn); } function random_controller(){ //select a random domain controller mt_srand(doubleval(microtime()) * 100000000); return ($this->_domain_controllers[array_rand($this->_domain_controllers)]); } // authenticate($username,$password) // Authenticate to the directory with a specific username and password // Extremely useful for validating login credentials function authenticate($username,$password){ //validate a users login credentials $returnval=false; if ($username!=NULL && $password!=NULL){ //prevent null bind $this->_user_dn=$username.$this->_account_suffix; $this->_user_pass=$password; $this->_bind = @ldap_bind($this->_conn,$this->_user_dn,$this->_user_pass); if ($this->_bind){ $returnval=true; } else {$returnval=false;} } return ($returnval); } // rebind() // Binds to the directory with the default search username and password // specified above. function rebind(){ //connect with another account to search with if necessary $ad_dn=$this->_ad_username.$this->_account_suffix; $this->_bind = @ldap_bind($this->_conn,$ad_dn,$this->_ad_password); if ($this->_bind){ return (true); } return (false); } // user_info($user,$fields) // Returns an array of information for a specific user function user_info($user,$fields=NULL){ if ($user!=NULL){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ //perform the search and grab all their details $filter="samaccountname=".$user; if ($fields==NULL){ $fields=array("samaccountname","mail","memberof","department","displayname","telephonenumber","primarygroupid"); } $sr=ldap_search($this->_conn,$this->_base_dn,$filter,$fields); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->_conn, $sr); // AD does not return the primary group in the ldap query, we may need to fudge it if ($this->_real_primarygroup){ $entries[0]["memberof"][]=$this->group_cn($entries[0]["primarygroupid"][0]); } else { $entries[0]["memberof"][]="CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,".$this->_base_dn; } $entries[0]["memberof"]["count"]++; return ($entries); } } return (false); } // user_groups($user) // Returns an array of groups that a user is a member off function user_groups($user){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ //search the directory for their information $info=@$this->user_info($user,array("memberof","primarygroupid")); $groups=$info[0]["memberof"]; //presuming the entry returned is our guy (unique usernames) $group_array=array(); for ($i=0; $i< $groups["count"]; $i++){ //for each group $line=$groups[$i]; $group_name=""; $line_length=strlen($line); //more presumptions, they're all prefixed with CN= //so we ditch the first three characters and the group //name goes up to the first comma for ($j=3; $j<$line_length; $j++){ if ($line[$j]==","){ $j=$line_length; } else { $group_name.=$line[$j]; } } $group_array[$i] = $group_name; } return ($group_array); } return (false); } // group_members($group) // Returns an array of users that a group has function group_members($group){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ //search the directory for their information $info=@$this->group_info($group,array("member","cn")); $users=$info[0]["member"]; //presuming the entry returned is our guy (unique usernames) $user_array=array(); for ($i=0; $i< $users["count"]; $i++){ //for each group $line=$users[$i]; $user_name=""; $line_length=strlen($line); //more presumptions, they're all prefixed with CN= //so we ditch the first three characters and the group //name goes up to the first comma for ($j=3; $j<$line_length; $j++){ if ($line[$j]==","){ $j=$line_length; } else { $user_name.=$line[$j]; } } $user_array[$i] = $user_name; } return ($user_array); } return (false); } // user_ingroup($user,$group) // Returns true if the user is a member of the group function user_ingroup($user,$group){ if (($user!=NULL) && ($group!=NULL)){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ $groups=$this->user_groups($user); if (in_array($group,$groups)){ return (true); } } } return (false); } // group_hasuser($user,$group) // Returns true if the user is a member of the group function group_hasuser($user,$group){ if (($user!=NULL) && ($group!=NULL)){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ $user_info=$this->user_info($user,array("dn")); $user_array=explode(",",$user_info[0]["dn"]); // Explode User DN $user_name=explode("=",$user_array[0]); $group_members=$this->group_members($group); if (in_array($user_name[1],$group_members)){ return (true); } } } return (false); } function group_cn($gid){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary // coping with AD not returning the primary group // // for some reason it's not possible to search on primarygrouptoken=XXX // if someone can show otherwise, I'd like to know about it :) // this way is resource intensive and generally a pain in the @#%^ $r=false; if ($this->_bind){ $filter="(&(objectCategory=group)(samaccounttype=". ADLDAP_SECURITY_GLOBAL_GROUP ."))"; $fields=array("primarygrouptoken","samaccountname","distinguishedname"); $sr=ldap_search($this->_conn,$this->_base_dn,$filter,$fields); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->_conn, $sr); for ($i=0; $i< $entries["count"]; $i++){ if ($entries[$i]["primarygrouptoken"][0]==$gid){ $r=$entries[$i]["distinguishedname"][0]; $i=$entries["count"]; } } } return ($r); } // group_info($group_name,$fields=NULL) // Returns an array of information for a specified group function group_info($group_name,$fields=NULL){ if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ $filter="(&(objectCategory=group)(name=".$group_name."))"; if ($fields==NULL){ $fields=array("member","cn","description","distinguishedname","objectcategory","samaccountname"); } $sr=ldap_search($this->_conn,$this->_base_dn,$filter,$fields); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->_conn, $sr); return ($entries); } return (false); } function all_users($include_desc = false, $search = "*", $sorted = true){ // Returns all AD users if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ $users_array = array(); //perform the search and grab all their details $filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccounttype=". ADLDAP_NORMAL_ACCOUNT .")(objectCategory=person)(cn=$search))"; $fields=array("samaccountname","displayname"); $sr=ldap_search($this->_conn,$this->_base_dn,$filter,$fields); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->_conn, $sr); for ($i=0; $i< $entries["count"]; $i++){ if( $include_desc && strlen($entries[$i]["displayname"][0]) > 0 ) $users_array[ $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0] ] = $entries[$i]["displayname"][0]; else if( $include_desc ) $users_array[ $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0] ] = $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0]; else array_push($users_array, $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0]); } if( $sorted ){ asort($users_array); } return ($users_array); } return (false); } function all_groups($include_desc = false, $search = "*", $sorted = true){ // Returns all AD groups if ($this->_ad_username!=NULL){ $this->rebind(); } //bind as a another account if necessary if ($this->_bind){ $groups_array = array(); //perform the search and grab all their details $filter = "(&(objectCategory=group)(samaccounttype=". ADLDAP_SECURITY_GLOBAL_GROUP .")(cn=$search))"; $fields=array("samaccountname","description"); $sr=ldap_search($this->_conn,$this->_base_dn,$filter,$fields); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->_conn, $sr); for ($i=0; $i< $entries["count"]; $i++){ if( $include_desc && strlen($entries[$i]["description"][0]) > 0 ) $groups_array[ $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0] ] = $entries[$i]["description"][0]; else if( $include_desc ) $groups_array[ $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0] ] = $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0]; else array_push($groups_array, $entries[$i]["samaccountname"][0]); } if( $sorted ){ asort($groups_array); } return ($groups_array); } return (false); } } // End class ?> |
Here is a list of the modifications that I have made:
- Added group_hasuser() function
- Added group_members() function
- Changed base_dn and dc list from hardcoded to being set when creating a new instance of this class. It’s more modular this way.
- Fixed examples.php
I’m simply including the class file here as this is definitely not my original code or project. I am simply providing a copy of the class file that I am personally using. Enjoy.
12 Jan 2007 Chris
3 Responses to “PHP adLDAP”
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Hi Chris,
I was wondering if you could share with me the examples script you modified I can’t find it anywhere on this page.
I’m trying to learn how to use this class, so any pointers on using it properly would help. If you could reply to my email that would be great. Thanks for your time.
Hi Steve,
What address did you send me a message at?
Hey this is now part of adLDAP plus abit more similar functionality