Archive for the tag 'Tech'

Professional Development

Never Stop Moving Forward

I’ve been working in my field for a very long time now, roughly 10 years to be exact. In those 10 years I’ve managed to keep learning new things year after year. Sometimes these new skills were learned with specific purposes or through on the job encounters. On the other hand, I’ve also had jobs […]

Professional Development, Programming

On Becoming a Better Programmer

Nick Halstead runs a programming blog and is one of my favorite reads. His insight is very good and he has a lot of experience. His post today was about becoming a better programmer and was a very good read. I totally agree with what he was saying, but I had something to add. I […]


Using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) in Vista SP1

If you didn’t already know, consider yourself now informed that installing SP1 for Vista removes the GPMC from Vista. Running the GPMC from a Windows Server 2008 or Vista machine is the only way to access the 700 additional Group Policy settings available for Vista and Server 2008 machines. With the release of SP1, Vista […]

Javascript, Programming

How To Identify a Javascript Keycode

I recently made some modifications to a client’s website that involved using key presses to trigger certain events. I had the numeric keycode for a few of the keys that were already in use, but I didn’t really have a good way of identifying the keyCode for the additional key events I wanted to make […]