San Antonio Pastor Expenses Personal Luxury Items
I’ve been going to church for as long as I can remember. Back in the day we would head for church every Sunday morning where my brother and I would curl up on the wood pews with baby blue fabric and take ourselves a nice 1 hour nap. As I got older, I got very involved with a church that we had been members of from Day 1. I was proud to have been a “founding member” and I wanted to do all I could to help out at the church. Years later I no longer attend that church and have hopped around looking for a place that I wanted to call home.
One of those places my family and I tried out was Eagle’s Nest Christian Fellowship. A story broke yesterday morning on the front page of the local paper citing a whole laundry list of expenditures that the Pastor and his family have been taking advantage of all in the name of service. I always wanted to like Rick Godwin, the paster of ENCF, but my wife and other family members never could bring themselves to that point. There was just something about him that they couldn’t get over. It turns out they were right. Here are a few quotes from the article.
Pastor Rick Godwin constantly presses his flock at Eagle’s Nest Christian Fellowship to give generously for a new $36 million megachurch under construction on the North Side at the same time he spends tens of thousands of dollars of church money on luxury items for himself.
When he flies, it’s first class or private chartered plane. He stays in high-end hotels and buys expensive gifts for some of his church associates. He can watch the Spurs from an AT&T Center luxury suite and play golf at the exclusive Club at Sonterra.
In 2005, an independent audit done at the church’s request questioned similar expenditures, such as spa services massages and vitamins for Godwin, and warned that changes were needed to bring the church into compliance with tax rules for religious nonprofits.
Another one
In September, Godwin’s wife took a private plane to California — along with an unknown number of other church women — to attend a women’s conference that was training for Chosen, a women’s event put on at Eagle’s Nest. The cost of the chartered flight was more than $17,394, according to another journal entry.
I find the whole situation to be completely appalling and I am very glad I no longer attend this church. This is exactly why people stop trusting churches and can’t bring themselves to be involved with organized religion.
19 Nov 2007 09:42 am Chris 21 comments
I am Rick Godwin’s first daughter that Cindy was able to throw in an orphange…. I’m coming to San Antonio
My e-mail is:
Rick Godwin is getting ready to open a $36 million mega church in north San Antonio. His arrogance knows no bounds. He has vilified good men and women from the pulpit, who were faithful servants for over 12 years, simply because they dared to ask a question.
Here is another part to the story that will break your heart!!
A heartbreaking letter from Shannon Godwin, Rick Godwins first born child from his ex wife who he put in an orphanage:
” As you are learning, I am Rick Godwin’s oldest daughter by his first marriage. Before I go on any farther… let me go on the record as saying “I love my father with all of my heart”. He did not abuse me or treat me badly. My father was stolen from me by his second wife Cynthia Ann Wright Godwin. Why am I doing this now you may say… I’m doing this because all these years, letter after letter, card after card, I thought one day my Dad
would be restored to me in some small way. I thought Cindy was doing God’s will and had changed…. but through a few close friends of my Dad… my father never got most of the letters, birthday cards, and requests for pictures of my baby sisters. At one point in the mid 80’s… I got to form a relationship with my dad and I have never had conflict with him by my own hand. I begged to be included just on the fringes of their lives.
My mother was killed in an automobile wreck July 14, 1973 in Panama city Florida. I was awarded to my Dad automatically. I was with him in Columbia, South Carolina when the accident occurred. He was a wonderful Dad and he took care of me with love and care… as good as any mother could. I have always admired and respected Dad… (still do). I am sure he doesn’t know all the facts… and what he does with the truth is his affair.
When He married Cindy.. then 17 years old… I was honestly happy. Her mom was great, too. We spent a lot of time at her mom’s cloth shop they owned. Her mom was pregnant with Penny. What I didn’t know is that after she found out her half-sister was on the way.. Cindy tried to kill herself.
About 3 months into the marriage… dad was gone a lot and slowly she began to change. She would tell me God wanted me to kill myself so I could be with my mother. She would tell me before they went away on the weekends, (I stayed with church members) who had girls my age… to have it done when they returned. I was eight. She tried herself by giving me handfuls of prescription drugs, Bayer aspirin, Iodine, methyalaid, mushrooms in the yard, weed-killer, etc.. She beat me, pulled my hair out… I had bald spots and when dad or church people asked them… Shannon tried to kill herself, Shannon got in a fight at school, etc… She told me if I told she’d really hurt me. I believed her. I never told. She told me to tell my father I hated him and wanted to go to Florida with my mother’s people (I did not), she told me not to speak or have anything to do with him or when he was gone… I’d get it. I’m sure my dad was hurt and confused. We’d be in the car riding, and dad driving in front of us, and she’d tell me to get in the back seat, then the front, then the back and on and on..
I didn’t realize why my dad stopped the car and tore my behind up. She put me on the interstate twice after church and told me to go call my grandma in Florida. She told me to say a women her child picked me up and let me off at a gas station… I guess in 1976 someone would believe a mother would drop an 8 year old off on I-26 AND LEAVE THEM THERE. She’d call my dad frantic and say Shannon ran away. My father made me apologize for scaring her and then gave me the belt in front of her. I don’t have time or page space for everything..but it was horrific. She coached me well on how to act and finally I was put in the South Carolina State Hospital July 10, 1976. I have all these records, too.
My granddad Luke Godwin (who lives now in San Antonio) found out I was in there and asked me to come live with him and I was so happy and said Oh yes! The very next day Cindy came and told me I was to refuse to see him and I heard he was banned from the intuition. She was the only person that I was supposed to say could see me.
The Blanding house said I couldn’t stay any longer because I wasn’t crazy and Cindy told me to say I’d kill myself before I’d go back to my father. They finally put me in the Carolina Children’s Home September 4, 1976. Under director Phillip Ross. Meanwhile… church members were inquiring about me and were told I was in Florida, my mom’s people were being told I was grounded, asleep, in the bath-tub, etc…. One day a church member’s daughter saw me on the playground at Lyon Street Elementary school and told her mom. Her mom called my mom’s oldest sister Sue White in Florida. They hired a private investigator to find out. They got all the details and when inquired about my mom’s life insurance policy that my dad was guardian over laid in trust for me it was gone. A judge who was a deacon in our church was over it and he allowed my dad to use it at his pleasure. He took Cindy to Hawaii, etc…
In the end he re-imbursed half and had to turn me over to my grandma to avoid prosecution. I have all the court records, transcripts, etc…. this is not fabricated. I only wanted my dad to know that I never wanted to leave him. I love my father but Cindy is still keeping him from me and intercepting communications by not giving him letters, messages, or telling him I want money or need help. All lies. This is why I’m doing this now…. she would never stop…. but God will.
Dad… I still love you..
“Dear Staff,
I am writing to you in regard to the email from Shannon Godwin Ramsey
that was sent out to everyone. I hope by now all of you can recognize
the battle for what it really is. This is nothing short of the
putrefied work of a few enemies of Rick and Cindy and ENCF to continue
to harass and try to destroy. It amazes me of their lack of the fear
of the Lord, but it is evident with the lowest level of exploiting
Shannon for the purpose to furthering their work of destruction.
(Shannon did not have any email addresses for ENCF staff or members,
but they were obviously supplied to her.)
As some of you may know I have served the Godwins for approximately 22
years. First of all Pastor Rick has spoken openly from the pulpit on
numerous occasions over the years about his first wife and his
daughter. He has never tried to keep it secret nor did he need to, but
has been very open about the facts that he once played in a rock and
roll band, that he gave his life to the Lord and shortly after that
knew that he had been called into the ministry. His first wife did not
want any part of serving the Lord and refused to follow him in that
call. Soon afterward she was killed in a car accident leaving a small
child for him to care for.
I can only tell you that over the years the contacts that I have
received from Shannon have always had to do with wanting money or
assistance from the Godwins with her practical needs, never about
wanting relationship. Rick and Cindy never denied her contact with
them. I remember on one particular occasion that Shannon had called me
three or four times at the office to give me messages about her needs
and request for assistance. Rick and Cindy both asked me to let her
know that she was welcome to call their home directly anytime and they
would help her. The calls that I received from Shannon over the years
have always had to do with what she needed and after her need was met,
I did not hear from her again until the next need arose. She also sent
a couple of letters to Rick here at the office which I gave to him
directly, so communication with her dad was never hindered.
I know that Rick and Cindy have sent her money numerous times,
purchased a car for her, paid for her to go to school and then she
dropped out, and I’m sure they have helped her on numerous other
occasions. The accusations in the email are bizarre, outlandish and
I am writing simply to encourage you not be distracted by her email.
Let us hold fast to our faith. Let us also walk in His light and love
and forgiveness. Keep our eyes on the Lord, not on the battle.
We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave Himself
for us!
Love you all,
Judy Orr, Executive Assistant to Pastor Rick Godwin”
I found these three posts at
“I received this letter (below) anonymously from a staff member at
Eagle’s Nest and I wanted the opportunity to address this first hand.
I am not being exploited…I want answers. My mother loved my dad and
also came to know the Lord. The pastor dad was serving under was a 450
pound racist preacher who used the N word from the pulpit of his
fundamentalist Baptist Church. Mom was tired of the “no pants” and
legalism and tired of dad being gone all the time preaching so it was
either, he stop this and they seek another church or else she was going
to have to make a major decision. Dad believed in this guy and wasn’t
leaving so mom left and then she got involved in a terrible car
accident. The letter reads as if mom left dad and God judged mom.
What right does Judy Orr have to say something like this! How
malicious but I am sure she was the very one being exploited by Cindy
and Dad!
I have called in the past especially in the 1980’s for some help and
assistance and dad was gracious to send me money and a used car;
however, I have only called and spoken with Judy three times in my
Since then, all I have wanted is relationship with dad. I have not
spoken with dad since the mid 90’s and he never seems to get my cards
and letters so that is why I sent them to the church. Her comment that
“The accusations in the e-mail are bizarre, outlandish and untrue” is
amazing. They are fact just like the records that I have from the
All I want is reconciliation and how hard it is to read a letter like
this to the staff from an assistant and still no call from my dad!
Someone please talk to dad for me!
Shannon Godwin Ramsey”
from the ex-sister-in-law of Rick Godwin:
I am the ex-sister-in-law of Rick Godwin. My deceased sister, Diane, was married to Rick Godwin and they had a daughter, Shannon.
I have recently read the article “Pastor Rick Godwin Flying High On His Church’s Money” dated Nov.23, 2007 in the Although the article details questionable moral and financial practices regarding Rick Godwin and Eagle’s Nest Church which are appalling at best, it is the posts from Rick’s executive assistant, Judy Orr, that are disturbing and absolutely deplorable. No legitimate Christian would make such unfounded and slanderous allegations, especially given the fact that Ms. Orr did not even know my sister. Diane was a very kind and loving person who actually worked in the church with Rick in Columbia, S.C. She was a God loving person who would not be a party to this very type of behavior then, that I read about today in the above referenced article. Therefore, Diane and Rick divorced.
The very idea that you self righteous crooks smugly play God demonizing the dead to change the focus on your inappropriate, probably illegal activities. It’s not surprising that Rick Godwin authored a book on Witchcraft in the Church considering the witch he married. Only a witch from hell could do the evil things to eight year old Shannon. Cindy repeatedly told Shannon that God wanted her to kill herself so she could be with her mother, gave her drugs, dumped her off at a gas station along the interstate. Rick put her in an orphanage and stole money from Shannon’s trust fund which was insurance money from Diane’s death. Given the treatment she had endured, it’s no wonder Shannon turned to drugs as she got older. Yet Rick says he just can’t forgive her for the drug use and that’s why he wants nothing to do with her? My God is a gracious and forgiving God that has helped Shannon through these unbearable times of her life. Yet, Mr. God himself cannot forgive his own daughter for things she has done which were brought on by the treatment she received from them as a child???? What a hypocrite! Through the grace of God she has become a kind and loving person overcoming the evils lodged against her as a child. She is currently working on a biography that will soon be in print.
And to the dear Ms.Judy Orr, the naive yet faithful, sacrificial servant of Mr. God, how dare you spew your vile allegations against my dead sister who cannot even defend herself against your outrageous assaults on her personal character. NO, she was not a drug addict. NO, she was not killed because Rick Godwin wanted to become a minister. However, I CAN inform you that if she were alive, she would not have tossed her daughter into an orphanage as your mentor, Rick Godwin did. She would not prey on the kindness and generosity of hard-working, faithful church members to sustain her livelihood as you and your mentor do. She would not have approved of Rick Godwin stealing Shannon’s trust fund money (from the settlement of Diane’s death) to take his new wife, Cindy, on a Hawaiian honeymoon. And NO madam, she would not participate in the scandalous abuse of church funds for personal and lavish indulgence. I suggest that you are an enabling party to this unthinkable, fraudulent scheme of fleecing the flock in the name of The Lord!!! God help your pitiful soul.
Posted by: ex sister-in-law at March 14, 2008 03:19 PM
Thank you Steven, All these articles are bogus, take a listen to.
By Steven, as forwarded by dont hate:
******I will put my answers in between these so you can see my response. I am really not worried about your being convinced, as I see you hide behind a famous indian name.*******
I find it quite odd that you would point out my and purgatory’s imperfections in this blog, but yet you have no mention of the jocks/patrick/donate/personal/etc. personal attacks, foul language, ad nauseam.
It is YOUR above mentioned church representative that has disgraced the name of God and caused many of these posts to be removed. But it is typical of Eagle’s Nest/SUMMIT to take no responsibility or accountability, so I am not surprised.
*****I will not respond to JOCK as he is not a representative of anything. Again, you have been less than civil, I don’t know his problem. For all I know, JOCK is you trying to defame a church.*****
If there is proof to the contrary of any of this, then why hasn’t he shown it? If changes were made since 2005, why in the first half of 2007 did Godwin spend $143,000 of the churches money for his own personl gain, including charterd jets? That doesn’t sound like change to me.
*****How do you know what has been shown? How do you know what changes have been made? You don’t and that is key in proving your facts. The great thing is that it doesn’t have to be proven to you, but can be proven. Again, be very careful what you perceive as fact. It can be proven wrong and you are responsible for what you post as fact*****
I’m sure by now Godwin has paid back the church since he was using tax free money for his own personal purposes. Hello Senator Grassley and IRS!! But I doubt the money was paid back until he got his hand caught in the cookie jar.
*****The records clearly show reimbursement and checks with the appropriate ability to see that they were done each month and not at one time. Good try, but your thoughts can be proven as wrong.*****
Please Steven, don’t tell me that you believe that it is godly to be rich too, and a curse to be poor. And please don’t twist my words to say it is a sin to be rich, I did not say that. But it is a sin to take money that was meant for the poor and use it for your own greed. Church was never meant to be the “big business” it has become today. Show me where Jesus did any of this! And please show us where Jesus said we have to tithe.
****Ah the issue of giving. Some believe in tithing others giving. It is very clear that Jesus expects us to give and to do so cheerfully. It is a great excuse to not give, and your bringing this up let’s me know who you are and who you are dealing with. I give, God blesses, that is all I care about. The scriptures are full of Jesus sharing that Giving is a command. Full of verses where God’s servants deserve to live well. You may be jealous or looking for reasons why you don’t give. And that is up to you. I give and God blesses, so I will continue. If it blesses a man who continues to share God’s mercy and Grace, then praise God.********
“WHY WASN’T THE OTHER SIDE TOLD?” Did you really ask that? How many times did Abe try to get an interview with Godwin and the others? He refused because there is no excuse…and Godwin doesn’t want to answer the very pertinent questions at hand.
****Journalism 101: When a reporter refuses to let you know what a story is about when calling for an interview, WARNING! And when said journalist reports a story with half the story, said journalist does not earn the right to the story. If the Journalist is not up front in the beginning there is a reason. And, in the past few months we have seen how this paper does what it wants with lies, then they have no right to the story. The press is not all knowing and does not have the right to demand anything.*****
This blog may not further the Kingdom of God, but at least people can see and read the truth and not be cheated, conned and swindled out of their hard earned money.
****You answered my question. Why would you care about it if it doesn’t further the Kingdom of God? You are stating rumors as facts.******
Open the books Steven…be honest…let people make up their own mind if they want the pastor dipping in the church coffers. Who knows…maybe you’ll be surprised, they may want their pastor to look and act and live and drive like a rock star.
If Godwin is so innocent, then why hasn’t he gotten a real board, and become accountable like all other non profits?
****Again, you know nothing of any changes and the board is a real board. Again, facts please not what you think you know*****
And about that carousel, since they are selling seats, and all the different ways to contribute money to the building fund, I’m certain the carousel is in there some where.
****Again. You are certain, but wrong. Please state facts not your opinion.*****
I have no doubt that if there were any lies here, or in the story, Rick Godwin would have had his endless army of expensive lawyers jump on it and the Express News would have been put out of business. And/Or the EN would have been made to retract the story….hasn’t happened in 5 months Steven….wake up!
***I am awake, but thanks for being concerned. How do you know what is being jumped on? More importantly, welcome to the real World. Most stories with lies go unpunished. Again, since you don’t know what is going on. Hold tight. By posting the above statement, I see you know very little about journalism.*****
Why does he have private investigators involved in all this? Why did the church need two new Mercedes? Why the Godwin Family Trust? Why the increase in credit? Why his and Cindy’s exorbitant salaries? Why the LBJ lake house, etc?
All tax free? why did he turn on Larry, Sam, Mark, Jim, Darna, his brothers, mother, father?
****My family has a trust, and the point is? Any increase in loans was discussed at multiple leader/worker meetings. The salaries you have discussed on this board are slander. They are wrong, and can be proven wrong. The more you post them, the more it shows me you have no idea and are listening to false stories. It became clear to me who you are listening to when you mentioned his Father, Mother and Brothers. Since I have personally met his Father and Half-brother at the church and since I know that he is contact with them on a regular basis, that would be a lie. Since you posted that his mother lives here, when in fact she does not, I knew where your source came from. Since I know that he speaks with his family more than you realize, again it is a lie that can be proven. It is funny again that by the list of names, I know your sources. As for the people you mentioned, ask them because I know too much and refuse to share in your gossip. The comment on private investigators, if this is true, I can understand if people lie about you why WOULDN’T you have them? The only people who fear a P.I. are those who have something to hide.*****
And the most telling and shameful question of all….why did he allow cindy to abuse and throw away his fist daughter, Shannon?
****Talk about the biggest slander of all. This one you need to be careful of. Do you know Shannon? Or do you think you know Shannon? Beware of believing without proof. It is sad and unbiblical and when proven wrong, illegal.*****
Will you, can you, answer any of these questions? Aren’t we supposed to hold the bible as our standard? Isn’t a preacher, a so-called man of God supposed to be held to a higher standard?
*****There are answers. The bible is our standard, yet you chose to ignore scriptures about lies, gossip, slander, false accusations, etc. If you believe the bible is your standard, then it should be the whole bible. Not just the parts you like.******
So Rick has built a monument to himself…. but what’s the point if there is no Jesus anywhere to be found?
****Jesus is found everyday at the church. Again, your ability to judge the work of God is worrisome and I pray for you.*****
P.S. You have no clue what I know, so don’t even go there!
****I can tell by your posts you don’t know much. And what you think you know is proof that God has mercy and grace. Because what you have posted is so wrong and slanderous, God’s mercy to you. I want to give you a scenario and I want you to think on it and pray hard.
What if: There was a plan from the beginning and you find out later that all you have been told is a lie. What if you are wrong and have shared all this information and swayed people away from learning about a true loving God? What if? The story is much more than you think you know. And there are many people you have listened to who should thank God everyday that He is merciful. The truth will be known, and when it is, will you ask forgivness?
God’s Blessings
DH, Peace
And another thing, SUMMIT church or Eagles Nest in San Antonio, Texas, This Shannon, all the sudden showed up just when the story hit the news stance, wow, interesting, hmmmm I smell a set up.
Yes shannon, wrote this email, and sent it to all the leaders ministries, because someone stole the leader book with all personal information which included email addresses and phone numbers of the members in a leadership postion at the church, when Judy Orr got it she responded with what kind of person Shannon was.
Judy meant no harm and it was just a warning, “I am writing simply to encourage you not be distracted by her email.
Let us hold fast to our faith. Let us also walk in His light and love and forgiveness. Keep our eyes on the Lord, not on the battle.”
It was a low badly done charactor bashing, and it was a set up, these people will do stop at nothing to take Rick Godwin down, no matter the costs, to even sin against GOD.
Their agenda is to take down Rick and the awesome church Eagles Nest now SUMMIT!!
I recommend you all visit these blogs and see for yourself what is being said, and how these people who call themselfs purgatory, sacawak, mark, larry, sam husband to bernice wides, mark, and the rest, see what storys they tell to convince people about Rick.
Of course they won’t say how they got these documents, hmmmm a little man named jim Y. Stole them from the church, because he did not get his way, like a little immature kid, he went crying to who ever would listen. So becareful people of what rumors you hear. Have them back up there information by facts, and not opinions. Not everything is true. Let God be your guide.
Please go to the website and read the stories and look at the enormous amount of evidence and proof. A newspaper as credible as the Express News would not have printed a story like this if it was not 100% verified and true.
Jim Y is a very educated, loving and godly man. He tried to approach Rick Godwin will all this and was vilified from the pulpit along with many other good, loving, kind, giving and loving men and women who served faithfully under Rick Godwin for over 10 years.
Shannon Godwin is Ricks first daughter who he abandoned at 8 yrs old and went to Hawaii on her trust fund after her mother died. She was eventually adopted by her maternal grandparents after hiring a lawyer and forcing Rick and Cindy Godwin to let her out of the orphanage.
Rick Godwin is a greedy, selfish, arrogant, egotistical man who has fleeced his flock and spent the money on plastic surgery for he and his wife, bought two Mercedes, designer clothes and watches, taken dream vacations and stayed at 5 star hotels all on church money.
Now he’s begging for money on his website for the new church Summit because attendance has dwindled and God’s people are waking up.
Excellent article. FULL DISCLOSURE. The real Rick/Cindy Godwin have been exposed for everyone to see them for exactly what they are . Pretty disguisting isn’t it?
Shannon Ramsey or Godwin? The one who was in jail for Fraud?
Rick Godwin was arrested for felony kidnapping in Colombia, SC. Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?
When Jim Yostrum was asked if he had taken any of his concerns to the church officials he said NO he had not. When he was confronted by one staff member about these comments he ran. Now his story has changed. If this is not believed, ask Jim Yostrum to take a lie detector test. He knows he would fail it. Jim spent his 7 weeks at the church working out this plan.
When Jim Yostrum was asked if he had taken any of his concerns to the church officials he said NO he had not. When he was confronted by one staff member about these comments he ran. Now his story has changed. If this is not believed, ask Jim Yostrum to take a lie detector test. He knows he would fail it. Jim spent his 7 weeks at the church working out this plan.
These were taken from a web site that was hate Rick Godwin. It was a set up from the begining.
Shannon Ramsey? She is now going by Godwin? That wasn’t her name when she was in jail for Fraud.
Jail for fraud. And she put her own kid up for adoption.
shannon was arrested for fraud and other things. this is not a lie but facts look it up as it is public record. it is hard to believe the story of an ex-con arrested for fraud. she was also arrested multiple times for not only taking drugs but selling them. her story is a scam and she knows it as does God. how many children does she have and how many have been adopted? is her son around anymore? did she share this story with anyone else prior to being approached by a man to write an email that he wrote for her and then got mad when she sent it “to soon because it didn’t get the impact he wanted’?
Are we to believe the words of a women who has been jailed for fraud, selling drugs and other felonies. If we are to go by her words it is proven that she has a history of lies and illegal activities. Where are her children and did she put them up for adoption? Was she forth coming to her spouse about the adoption? Is there a reason she didn’t write the email about her story instead of having another man write it.
Please answer this question I ask of you. Is it that you throw out lies and untruths that you don’ have answers of which you have no proof? Is the christianity in lies and statements that are false? A true statement is made that Shannon was arrested for many felonies including fraud. In wanting to know the truth we must know what type of person of whom we are listening. Would you believe a person who didn’t write an email on her own about her own life and then was chastised for sending the email to early? Would you believe a person who was led by a man who made it clear his plan was to attack Rick Godwin? Would you think it was God’s work when the man then stated that Shannon sent the email “prematurely” so that he was not able to get the impact he wanted? Pray without ceasing and search for your answers from our Father. In doing such a thing the truth was revealed to me and one day to you.
The truth is no doubt what I am after. It is a matter of trying to figure out this story and is the witness credible. The story is so out of reality that it is not just believing the word of one person. The proof is what is missing and having investigated and found out from multiple sources that the email posted was not written by Shannon but a man who also told multiple witnesses that Shannon sent it to soon and he didn’t get the impact he wanted and hearing from multiple sources that he referred to Shannon as a child in a 40 year olds body, it all seems a bit odd and contrived. Where is the proof and why is the story just now being told 40 years later.
I must ask you again dear heaven sent, where is the proof? You say it happened because someone said it did and then we must judge the persons character to see if it is to be believed. As the email was written by a man who witnesses say stated he wanted to take this man of God down and wanted maximum impact, we must judge the motives and the truth. The questions I ask of you still have no answer. Why was the subject never brought up until now and where is the proof? Where are Shannon’s children and why did she put them up for adoption? Was she honest and fortright in telling her spouse about where the children where going? All of this adds up to one thing, we must look at the character to determine fact since there is no other proof. And a person who has a history of selling drugs, fraud and jail time is hard to believe.
How do you know it is the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt? Your word isn’t enough when attacking so horribly the character of individuals.
Adoption papers and a mental hospital. Ok, where is the wrong in this, as Rick Godwin has always told that he had a daughter that he put up for adoption. It has never been hidden. How do you know this is true as you state. To put such hateful comments on a blog without proof is beyond hideous and puts you in a poor light. My problem is that I am trying to figure out motive of a gentleman contacting a 42 year old women and writing her story for her to send out in an email. Does that not sound a little odd to you? It does to me.
Then I must question many of your comments. Where is the proof that Real Estate was purchased with church funds for Godwin Family Trust? Where is this information for us to see with our own eyes. I can tell you where to find the information on Shannon’s many arrests and convictions. I can also tell you where to find the information on her adoption of her own child or children. I can also tell you where to find information that she lied to her husband about this adoption.
Where may I go to find that Shannon was abused? Where is it documented and where can this be proven? If you are bold enough to post this information, you should be bold enough to let us know where this can be proven?
Otherwise, it is very slanderous and God will hold you accountable for your words.
Wouldn’t documentation of abuse be in the papers that were posted? Yet they are not. Wouldn’t someone have said something over 40 years? Yet nothing until there were articles in a paper and a gentleman who was angry that he didn’t get his way contacted Shannon and wrote a story for her to send.
Do you see why proof is needed?
To honor the blog owners request, I will ignore your hatred. Since you have no proof of any of your ramblings it is obvious that you are slandering. Godwin Family Trust – Nothing unusual about that? Many people have family trusts. Your claims that there is something suspect about that shows again your lack of credibility.
As for Mr. Nail and Mr. Yostrum, they know the real truth and they know that I know it too. The day will come when I will share it all. When I do they will run in fear. Wait, they have already done that.
Like I said before… my dad has a felony arrest and also put child up for adoption. I sure am a Godwin and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!! Monkey see monkey do! Kids learn their parents…. hmmmmm. Wow…. I guess if you are wealthy and/ or famous, the same sin is overlooked and the orphans sins are the only ones that christians throw the stones at… what would Jesus think of all of us?
My husband’s idea to give son up to family who could financially provide…. what a den of vipers!! I actually feel us going back to the crusades… starting in San Antonio!
You and the others should be careful what you say….slander is a very serious crime as you see playing out for you idol Rick Godwin.
Larry Nail is suing Rick Godwin for slandering his good name from the pulpit……
Read it here:
I’m not sure if the above link came out right….copy and paste the above two lines into your browser…..
I felt it important to respond to the character attacks lodged against my sister, Diane. I have done that. Yet, ‘dont hate’ continues to plant the seed of doubt regarding our family to further exalt and defend the events surrounding Rick Godwin.
Since you asked ‘dont hate’, I will give you the answers to your questions dated March 29, 2008 @ 12:48 pm:
Why isn’t Rick and Cindy fighting for the souls of his 3 grandchildren if the first daughter is so bad?
Posted by: Mike
Hello guys this is dont hate,
hey mike how do you know he aint? Rick is not going to tell you his business, why should he, you all would probably twist it around and make him seem the bad person again.
ANSWER: Rick does not. Rick has only seen his oldest grandson, Robby, one time & that was very briefly. He has absolutely nothing to do with his grandchildren or Shannon. Yet, Shannon has an undying and unconditional love for him. I, personally, do not understand why.
Cindy recently sent Shannon a box of cookies for Valentine’s Day. How generous of her, right? Cindy continues to taunt Shannon even to this day.
dont hate: And another thing, how do you know that Rick has NOT done anything for Shannon? unless you were there, you have no say so what so ever, none of you do, you were NOT there, your question should be, after reading these blogs, this person who wrote and said they were the “in law”, my question to you and i hate to do this, but i want to prove my point, where are the parents of Diane? now the “in law” if he or she really cared why did they not fight for shannon too, think about it, where is Diane’s brothers and sisters and parents they could have easily got Shannon, why did they NOT? thats the question you need to ask?
ANSWER: I was there. We did fight to get Shannon. We got her from the orphanage where Rick and Cindy had her stored away.
Diane has two sisters, of which I am the eldest. I called, my sister called and our mother called to speak to Shannon, and often. Every time we called, Rick or Cindy would say that Shannon was either asleep, or in the bath tub or at a friends’s house. One day I got a call from a lady that asked if I was Diane’s sister. I said yes. She told me that her daughter had seen Shannon on the playground at the orphanage. This kind lady was also a church member at Rick’s church. My sister, my mother and I immediately drove to the orphanage in Columbia, SC. When we arrived, we explained that we were family and asked to see her. We were not allowed because Rick & Cindy had left instructions – no visitors for Shannon. We hired an attorney, got a court order to allow us to see Shannon. A deputy escorted us to the orphanage and presented the court order. I so clearly remember being led to a room where we all waited for Shannon. When she came in, she ran to my mother trembling and crying and would not let her go. We sat there holding each other and crying, our hearts were broken. Rick agreed to allow my mother to adopt Shannon. He had taken all of her trust fund money with the exception of about $6,000. He told the judge that he did not have the money to repay it. So, Rick cut a deal for himself. Only in exchange for avoiding prosecution , did he agree to allow my mother to adopt Shannon. The judge signed the paperwork and we left with Shannon immediately.
So, that is what happened, it is the truth and it is all public record in Columbia, SC. The year of 1977.
I hope this answers your questions, dont hate. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask because…I WAS THERE.
Posted by: ex sister-in-law at March 30, 2008 12:48 PM
What was Rick to do? If I understand this correctly, his daughter and his wife Cindy did not get along. Shannon appears to have been rebellious.
Was it an orphanage? Did Shannon not want to go be her mother’s family? Did she ask to go?
Corrected question: Did Shannon not want to go be with her mother’s family?
My mother died tragically when I was young and my sister and step-mother did not get along. My Dad responded in a similar manner. It is tragic. However I would say that reconciliation should come of Rick, Cindy and Shannon if they want Summit CC to ever be more that a conference center with Christian theme, as it appeared last weekend.
I personally did not want to leave my father…. ever. Cindy coached me to start saying I wanted to go to Florida. I was 8 years old. My father said no way I was going to Florida to my mom’s people. This enraged Cindy so she took a deadly path with me. If you doubt me…. please put me, Cindy, and/ or my father in a room with yourself for 15 minutes and I swear discernment will give you the truth. Up until November 2007, my father has never known the entire truth. Now he does and that’s all I ever wanted him to do. What he does with that is his own affair. He was a good dad and Cindy was a 17 year old child jealous of a dead woman.
I met Shannon Godwin Ramsey some years ago, when I rented a cottage to her, her husband and daughter, Hazel. They had been homeless, living in their car for two months. My son called me one day and told me they needed a place to live. Over the years that Shannon lived in our cottage, she told me and my husband everything that happened to her as a child and that her father was Rick Godwin, a pastor of a very large church in Texas. I went to look him up online and found a picture of him and there was no mistake that Shannon was his daughter as they look exactly alike. I was horrified that she went through such an ordeal. Yes, Shannon did resort to drugs, but one has to wonder why, when she went through such an ordeal in her childhood with her mother dying, her father abandoning her, her stepmother’s abuse. She had a very hard life to cope with. I tried to contact her father at the church, on several occassions, without Shannon knowing about it, but her father would not return my messages.
While they lived in my cottage they did not have much, no furniture, no dishes, poor clothing. They were struggling. I wanted Shannon’s father to tell me why she was in such a position when he had so much and being a pastor of all things, how he was not there for her…her own father. One does not treat a sick dog out in the road like this. It was a very sad situation. Sincerely, Angela Stonebraker.
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I’m speculating that this article did not mention the sales of pastor Godwin’s book an audio sales, which account for $100k+. And according to United States laws, these sales can be used for personal use. What the media does is sway origins. The money used on these luxuries was financed by pastor Godwin’s income from his books and audio sales. I cannot remember the last time it was wrong for one to use his or her own rightfully earned money on whatever they wish to purchase. Present to me the documents explaining that pastor Godwin used illegal money and if he did please explain to me why he was not prosecuted. If these items can be presented and answers I will gladly silence myself. However It is very interesting that he was never prosecuted and this article never mentioned his books or audio. Also what is very humorous is the fact that pastor Godwin continues to prosper. If he was such a crook and sinner, The Lord would have imposed his will. 4 years later, the man is better than ever.