Archive for June, 2006


NBA Introdues New Game Ball

The NBA unveiled the new game ball this morning before the 2006 Draft. I gotta say the new design and technology makes me want to go out and drop the $99 on this new ball. They are slated to be available for purchase on Oct 31. This is only the 2nd ball change in 60 […]



A while back my AdSense account was closed by Google for allegedly a violation of the TOS. I reapplied last week in an effort to rejoin and was rejected. I see sites all the time that merely scrape content from search engines yet Google denies the application of a legit site? Does anyone else see […]


NBA Finals

I’ve been quiet on the NBA Playoffs since the Spurs got knocked out by Dallas. I hate to blame the officiating so I won’t, but I do agree that it played a larger role than Mavs fans would like to admit. That being said I am rooting for Miami instead of the other Texas team. […]


I can’t win

I work Sun – Thurs which is nice and explains why I am posting from work. The problem is that on Thursday some joker decided it would be funny to eat my 2 luscious BBQ Hot Pockets. Yes, someone that I work with actually ate my lunch. What kind of person does that? I lucked […]


How NOT to steal a SideKick II

This was too funny not to post. Stupid people. Score one for technology. Source: How NOT to steal a SideKick II


SIRA – Section 115 Reform Act of 2006

I just read about SIRA on Slashdot and this could be bad news for consumers across the board. SIRA requires that every additional copy of music/media require it’s own additional and separate license from the original copy. Rip your DVDs to your Media Center PC? Pay for another license. Rip your music to your computer […]