Archive for 2007


I Downgraded From Vista to XP

My home computer isn’t exactly a smoking machine. For those interested, it’s a 2500+ w/ 2GB of Ram. After running Vista Business for about 13 months I finally conceded that my machine was just not up to snuff when it came to running Vista smoothly. I was forced to downgrade to XP Pro and I […]

Kids, Life in General

I Love the Holidays

Over the Christmas break I took some time to unplug. I didn’t update this site at all and I only made a few minor posts over at SBG. The Cover Project admins were hard at work, like they always are, so there were some updates there. By and large I tried to stay away from […]

Entertainment, Gaming, Playstation 3, Sony

My Take on the Harmonix/Activision Deal

If you aren’t familiar with the situation, here is a brief summary. Rock Band launches to massive fanfare and clamor for additional guitars to make a full band. Standalone guitars won’t be available until sometime next year. Standalone Guitar Hero guitars ARE available so why not use them? This is a non-issue for Xbox 360 […]

PHP, phpBB, Programming, Tech

Making Prosilver Have Profiles on the Left

phpBB 3.0 was released this week and the default theme, Prosilver, has the post content on the left and the poster’s profile on the right. This is reverse from most forum software and the subsilver theme of previous phpBB releases. I’ve taken the time to tweak the CSS and code to flip the poster profile […]

Kids, Life in General

A Discipline Method That Works: 1 2 3 Magic

The hardest part of being a parent is the discipline. On one hand, you love your kids and don’t want to have to punish them. On the other hand, they can be rotten little hellions and you don’t want to see them blossom into full grown hellions. Thus it is your job to intervene and […]


Sorry Guys, That’s My Fault

I had to go and open my fat mouth yesterday about how well the Spurs were doing and how we were well on our way to winning the Western Conference. Last night the Spurs met up against a red hot Warriors team in Cali and got promptly schooled by the run and gun Nellie team. […]

Javascript, Programming

Sniff Your Users Version of Flash with Javascript

I ran across this on a website I hit this morning and found it to be quite useful. So I am reposting it here in case anyone else is trying to do this. In a nutshell, this bit of javascript will return a decimal value of the highest version of the Flash Player installed on […]

Entertainment, Tech

I’m Going BluRay

I recently blogged about making the jump into the high definition format war with my purchase of a Toshiba HD-A2 player at Wal-Mart’s special friday sale. Now that I’ve taken a good hard look at the movies available on each format and the amount of titles that retail stores and online stores are stocking, I […]


Spurs Outlook 2007-08

Normally the Spurs follow-up Championship seasons by sucking it up big time. For some reason we can’t ever seem to get it in gear coming off a huge season. So far this year, things are shaping up to be a tad bit different. The NBA had some major player movement that resulted in a shake-up […]


I Can’t Stand Jason Terry

I just finished watching the Spurs take down the Mavs here in San Antonio without Tim Duncan and I can’t help but strongly dislike Jason Terry. I don’t care for the Mavs at the present time as Mark Cuban has done a great job creating a hated rivalry here, but I honestly just don’t like […]

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