Archive for February, 2008

Life in General

It’s A Fast Food Nation And I Quit

Growing up, eating fast food with your friends was by and large a social thing. We’d head to Taco Bell or Wendy’s and get some grub and head out for some other activity. Every meal was not fast food and it was by and large the exception and not the rule. Things have definitely changed […]

Programming, Python, Ruby on Rails

Diving Into Python & Ruby

I’ve got a job application in with a company I used to work for as a developer and the primary technologies we’ll be using are Python and Ruby on Rails. I’ve got a bit of experience with both, but nothing recent. With that said, I’ve really been taking a closer look at what those languages […]


I Just Bought My First Laptop

It’s probably rare that someone who has worked in the IT industry as long as I have managed to wait until 2008 to buy their first laptop. I thwarted the evil deed of dropping lots of money to take my computing on the road, but today I gave in and bought the family a nice […]

Kids, Life in General

Adventures in Construction Part 2

My last post kind of left the story hanging about my adventure in assembling the Sunray 2008 Playsystem. I apologize as life showed up and booted me in the gut with a bevy of far more important tasks. As a brief recap to the previous adventure, I worked my rump off all day Sunday trying […]